Ricky's Blog

I am not a Newbee!!!


简单地说, 面试的时候答错了 内容转自 Leetcode 进程的调度算法有哪些?(主要) 先来先去服务 时间片轮转法 (Robinhood) 短作业优先 多级反馈队列调度算法 优先级调度 进程的通信方式有哪些?线程呢? 进程间的通信方式 a) 管道/匿名管道(Pipes):用于具有亲缘关系的父子进程间或者兄弟进程之间的通信。 b) 有名管道(Names Pi...

Python Review

Python Review What is Python? Interpreter based language, allows the execution of one instruction at a time Support extensive basic data types: numbers , strings, lists, dictionaries Var...

Data Structures - Primitive Types

转载自: https://www.cnblogs.com/Neeo/articles/10536202.html Python 进行补码运算 原码 原码(true form)是一种计算机中对数字的二进制定点表示方法。原码表示法在数值前面增加了一位符号位(即最高位为符号位):正数该位为0,负数该位为1(0有两种表示:+0和-0),其余位表示数值的大小。 口诀在此:一个正数,转换为二进制位就...

My Resume Page is Alive Now!

Well, I just uploaded everything to my resume page.

Finally, My Resume Page is deployed! You can get access to it from here!

Data Structures - Primitive Types

Primitive Types: In Python, everything is an object, including Booleans, ints, chars def count_bits(x): num_bits = 0 while x: num_bits += x & 1 x >>= 1 return...

Hello World

I just opened this blog to write down all the things I encountered daily in my trying-to-be-professional life.

Hello This is just a notification, and I will try something new here, I will post some of my projects, and the things I found during the dev. Anyway, this is the start. R. ps. Happy new year ...

This is a sample post, not posted by me :)

It might be the simplest way to install Tensorflow or Tensorflow-GPU by conda install in the conda environment

Install TensorFlow-GPU by Anaconda (conda install tensorflow-gpu) It might be the simplest way to install Tensorflow or Tensorflow-GPU by conda install in the conda environment Nowadays, there ar...